Arrests in Gaithersburg September 10 - September 16

Guns, assaults, arson, and rogue and vagabond

Posted by Keith on September 16, 2021 7:21PM

Gaithersburg Arrests

There have been 11 arrests reported in Gaithersburg in the last 7 days.

The following is based on data provided by police. Whether any of these people have been arraigned is not known. Everyone is considered innocent until proven otherwise. These arrests are reported here because there should be no "secret arrests" in Gaithersburg.

Gaithersburg Arrests Sept 10 thru 16

Police Incidents

Here are the calls police responded to in Gaithersburg since September 1. This data is not necessarily complete or accurate. This is what police are reporting.

Gaithersburg Police Calls Sept 10 thru 16