Colossal Contractors of Burtonsville Hires Speeders

I refuse to hire any company that hires people who speed in work vehicles.

Posted by Keith on January 23, 2022 6:21PM

My life was threatened driving to Baronnessa Pizza in Rockville on Friday January 21, 2022 on Crabbs Branch Way near the new Daly at Shady Grove apartments.

It was a work van with the company Colossal Constractors printed on the door. I do not recommend hiring a company that hires people who drive dangerously in our community.

What happened is that while driving on Crabbs Branch Way, the speed limit drops to 30 miles per hour at the light where Crabbs Branch Way intersects with Gramercy Boulevard across the street from the school bus depot.

Normally on Crabbs Branch Way two lanes of traffic flow on both sides of road.

However, when I was driving through on Friday, there was a semi parked in the right-most lane. The back was open and clearly some stuff was being delivered. Speeding by a vehicle with its hazard lights on is not smart. You could kill someone.

The driver of this Colossal Contractors work vehicle didn't care. When I slowed down, the driver nearly rearended me before angrily speeding past me on the right.

Colossal Contractors Speeding Van

Of course, the reckless driving got the driver nowhere. I was right beside them at Redland Road.

Please do not hire Colossal Contractors for any work. If they don't care about their drivers speeding in their work vehicles, what else don't they care about?